Sunlight…and a cocktail for it.

Project: Draw with Light

I am taking part in a community photo project hosted by Beth at Approach the Light (she also blogs as This Little Lightling). This week’s theme was sunlight.

I hope to work food into my interpretation of each theme–regardless, I will be posting a photo on my blog for each week’s assignment. Cheers, Beth and Becky!

Now, the origins of this cocktail: my Matt made a celebratory dinner to commemorate the end of my employment at the public library (fond memories, but I gotta move on). He sent me to the porch with two glasses and two small frosty bottles–apparently filled with an herb and sunshine-filled apéritif. Before he came out for a toast, I had to sneak a curious sip.

This pretty, fresh, summery cocktail was created by Matt the mixologist. He used basil, and today I tried it with rosemary–equally herbally wonderful. I suggest you drink it outdoors. You don’t have to make it in cute little bottles…but it’s fun.

Sunset cocktail hour.

Fresh Sunshine Cocktail with Basil or Rosemary

For one cocktail:
1 large basil leaf or 1 sprig rosemary
1 or 2 slivers of lemon peel
(about 1/4″ wide)
1/2 oz. gin
Sauvignon Blanc
(or another grassy white wine) to top off, about 2.5 oz

Stuff the basil leaf (or rosemary sprig) and lemon peel into a bottle. Pour in the gin; seal and shake briskly a few moments. Pour in the wine, seal and shake again, then chill for at least an hour (so the flavors can infuse). Pour in a glass with an ice cube to serve. *If you like your drinks sweet, add a teaspoon or two of simple syrup when you add the wine. **You could also increase this and mix up a batch in a pitcher for a great summer party beverage.
